It feels like eons ago since I read the book "Ready Player One" but one key plot point was where the main character needed to play the perfect game of Pac-Man. He'd mentioned a hiding where the ghosts could not locate you. I've played Pac-man for decades and have never heard of such a thing. So I always assumed it was something made up for the book. I can officially confirm that it is infact a real thing. It's thanks to an 8-bit math error and a rule where the ghosts can't travel up in Pac-Mans spawn point. Check the video below for proof.
I've been working with a little bit of code tonight and I figured out how to make lights that hurt him and they can be turned off so he can pass. My next goal is to tweak the switch so they can be turned back on again.
I had mentioned in my last post that I'm working on NES home brew as a side hobby. I started work on a game called Super Drac 3000. The idea is simply, you are a vampire getting blood packs and avoiding light. I'm going to expand on this idea thanks to a code error I made. If I do it right, you should be able to turn lights off/on. So click the link below and watch a short video for an early build.
I've been messing off and on with sweet little app called NESmaker off and on since last summer. It's a fairly easy way to build an old school 8-bit Nintendo game, that with the right hardware can be played on real hardware. I've been dabbling in ROM hacks for years, my first attempt was a drunk party idea called "Super Queef". I took the original Mario bros NES game and turned Mario and Luigi from two plumbers cleaning out the sewers of turtles, in to two girls in their underwear stomping dicks for coins click here to download the rom
Super Queef
However till recently I have never scratch built my own game... It's a combo of time, and not fully grasping how to get a NES Rom file compiled. I spent 4 months out of work thanks to the pandemic and a boss who didn't care for being told off. I got bored as hell while trying to find a job. That lead me down a lot of rabbit holes, and eventually on to an awesome program called NESmaker. It is a super easy way to build a home brew NES app, and it comes with a few neat tools to export ROM files to REAL carts that can be played on a real Nintendo. While It's not a free program, I'm okay with that . It comes at an advantage over free open source stuff. There's real support for software issues. There is also a HUGE community to support any game making endeavors. If you want to try NES home brew, I can NOT recommend them enough. Hit their logo to check them out.
This leads me to my current brain break for the night. I've made several overly over the top game prototypes since last summer that are really just way to much to start the path of home brew game development. I've decided to give it another go, but keep it simple this time. I'm now working on a 2-D Mario style side scrolling game, I've named "Super Drac 3000". the idea will be avoid hunters\things that can kill a vampire, collect blood bags, avoid light, and maybe find true love? I tossed together a very glitchy quick and dirty demo, and here a screen shot from that demo. .I'll post a WIP version of the game as soon as I have something playable.
So it's Saturday and one of my good friends invited me our for a day of brewery hopping. He's an admin for the "513 Craft Brew" group on Facebook.
While I was originally going to be the DD, but got a lucky break, and another friend was coming along decided to take take the wheel, and she'd had her fill of drinking the night before.
So could play the part of a proper drunk. Warped Wing in Springboro OH was out first stop for the day. It was also the only one I took my own pics of, so it's what I'll talk the most about. I'm making a "house rule" right now to only use my own photos on this blog.
SO Warped Wing has 2 locations the other is in downtown Dayton OH. I've been to the Dayton location several times. I've not posted about the Dayton location but I wasn't beer blogging at the time. I'll have to correct that oversight soon
Anyway the Springboro location is where Warped Wing brews up all of their bourbon barrel aged beer. I'm a sucker for anything bourbon flavors. The Springboro location for Warped also has a smokehouse, and does some fantastic BBQ. To check the menu hit The Link
The boozeFood Porn <3
the beer list
Crooked Handle
Crooked Handle was our second stop, and I did not think to take any pictures, because well I had a good buzz on and did feel it? I had a flight of fruity beers including a pinepple, strawberry, and some misc darks. I'll have to hit up Crooked again for a proper review on it's own soon.
Branch and Bone
Branch and Bone was our last stop, and I once again did not grab photos, but in this case you didn't miss much. I did not care for their beers, and they were all very winey. IDK I guess you like what you like, and don't what you don't? I'll try them again someday but I'm not in a rush for it.
I was disappointed when the pandemic messed up pretty much all of the 2020 summer block busters. The Ghostbusters Afterlife movie was no exception. It was officially pushed back to June of this year.
I was browsing this morning it looks like slashfilm posted a spoiler for one of the new ghost characters. This ghost is called being called Muncher. Which is cool in of itself.
I recently purchased the Target version of the transformers ghostbusters crossover Ecto-one figure. He's an all around good bot, with an on point car mode.
Who you gonna call?
He came with two ghost accessories. I largely ignored them, they weren't as interesting as the transformer. One of them was good ole Slimer.
Slime time
The other was a little unknown blue guy. I didn't know or care who he was, however thanks to Slashfilm's story. I now know his name is Muncher, and he looks like a chunky tardigrade.
So many years ago back in the magical time that was known as the 1980's. I, like many kids my age, really liked Transformers. My folks bought me quite a few, and they were fun. To me they were like 2 toys in 1. You got a cool car, or an awesome robot.
However, like all kids I started growing up and towards the start of the 90's Hasbro started to release the "Generation 2" Transformers. I being the mature age of 11 or 12 decided that It was time to "grow up" and stop playing with toys like a little kid. So even though I thought they were cool looking. I stopped asking my folks for them, because I wanted to "grow up" . I don't really recall thinking about them again for quite a few years. I suppose we should jump forward to when I was in high school and 17 or maybe 18 years old. I'll spare all of the gory details but was I wasn't making all of the best decisions and I was miserable. It was pretty typical teenager shit looking back at it. However like all teens I hated everyone and thing. To that end I started eating breakfast in my bedroom to avoid my family. I had a TV in my room, and wouldn't be caught dead watching the news or any of the other boring morning shit. However there was before school cartoons on fox. Those cartoons weren't the newest but it didn't matter, It was noise while I ate. One of those cartoons that was in rotation, was Transformers Beast Wars
I really identified with one of the good guys named RatTrap . He was cocky asshole type character. I feel like I kept talking about cartoons on the downlow with other kids in high school, but I must have mentioned it enough, because one of my friends snatched me up a RatTrap toy. I hadn't thought about them making a toy version of the cartoon, and to that end. It wasn't the same version of RatTrap that was on the show, but unknown to me. I was watching a few seasons behind. I didn't care, it was a cool toy, and sort of a "gate way drug"
BeastWars Transmetal Rat Trap
I feel like that one toy send me down a different path than I could have been on. I was partying a lot, and doing lots of stupid shit. However I slowly switched from spending my money on partying to buying toys. It's hard as hell to afford "party supplies" when you are busy buying toy robots. That being said Hasbro has just released a new subline for Transforms called "Kingdom". That line is stuffed full of updated versions of Beastwars figures. I was out shopping a week or two back and came across "my boy" an updated version of Beastwars RatTrap
Transformers Kingdom RatTrap
Is Kingdom RatTrap the perfect version of Beastwars RatTrap? Not by a long shot, there have been other versions over the years I've liked a lot better, but they were a bit complicated, and that took away from the fun factor. He is a simple fun figure, and well worth the $10 to dredge up good memories for me.
Uh if you like to see a 40 year old man ramble about plastic robots., well you are in the right place.
Uh please look forward to me talking about transformers toys and putting up photos.
There few things I enjoy more than tacos & video games. So naturally when I was told about a new taco place near me I had to try it out. Agave & Rye is one part taco bar, and one part video free play video arcade located in Troy, Ohio on the traffic circle.
If have to give them mad props for opening a new sit down restaurant in the middle of a global pandemic. They are of course following all of the proper pandemic rules of social distancing, masks required, and no paper menus.
Iyou hit the link below you can see what they have
They might feel a little high class for the area, but that is my opinion. However it clearly works for them, because if you choose to visit be ready to wait they are ALWAYS busy.
One of my favorite vices is craft beer, and I live extremely close to the Moeller Brew Barn in Troy, Ohio.
The name is a bit misleading because this brewery is actually setup in an old church across the street from the court house in downtown Troy Ohio. Their first location is in a tiny town called Maria Stein, Ohio. that location is actually in a converted barn.
If you are interested in seeing what they serve hit the link